Care and support for those in need: At CUMC we want to care for and support our families, friends, neighbors, and show compassion and love for all of God’s people. One of the ways we do that is by providing ministries that specialize in certain areas of support for those going through specific issues and needing specific assistance. Here at CUMC, we offer safe places for you to talk to people just like you.

This support group is for adults 18 and up who are experiencing the loss of a friend or family member. We provide a safe place to share and learn. Trained and experienced facilitators lead participants in learning and sharing about the physical and emotional aspects of grief as well as coping methods for finding healing and new growth. Contact Deborah Suddarth at 901-853-8383 or

Are you on your own? After experiencing the great loss of a husband, life may often seem meaningless, incomplete, and lonely. We invite you to join us as together we support one another in love and move forward in life with Christ’s joy and purpose. This group meets once a month at a home for a potluck meal and fellowship. Contact Marcia Nanney at (901) 212-6121 or

The mission of the Stephen Ministry team is “to show God’s love through Christian caring.”Stephen Ministers are “the after people” and provide one-on-one Christian care for people with fives different types of needs:

  • Crisis Care: terminal illnesses, unemployment, divorce, financial issues, death of a loved one, etc.
  • Follow-up Care: recovery from major life crisis events.
  • Chronic Care: long-term problems such as chronic pain, a move to assisted living, degenerative diseases, aging, etc.
  • Preventative Care: major upcoming events such as the anticipated birth of a first child, nearing retirement, going off to college, approaching surgeries, job changes, etc.
  • Supportive Care: helping caregivers, supporting family members through divorce or death of a child, etc.

If you are in need of one-on-one Christian care, contact John Kavicky (Program Director) (901) 854-7369, Carol Ingram (901) 573-2556, or any church staff or Stephen Minister. All correspondence is kept confidential. To learn more about Stephen Ministries, visit the national website.

Facing life without your child is difficult and can be so painful at times, no matter where you are on your journey. The support group meets the second Monday of each month for an hour, beginning at 7pm in Room 100 in the Ministry Center. Contact Julie Smith at (901) 486-9160 or Sherry Cannon at (901) 497-1837.

Through writing cards, we share love, support, care and prayer with those who have been ill, home-bound or on the prayer list. We meet each Tuesday at 1pm in Room 100. To help write cards in Christ’s love, contact Carolyn Foster

Just recently, we have been made aware that the Methodist system in town, Methodist Germantown, LeBonheur, Methodist University and Methodist Hospice House, will allow pastoral visitation plus one family member per day. We are checking monthly with the other hospital systems to see if their visitation policies have changed. If you have a family member in the Methodist system and would like a pastoral visit contact the church (901) 853-8383. For other visitation requests, please contact Deborah Suddarth:

Nothing speaks of love more than a homemade casserole and bread delivered when you most need it. If you know of someone who needs a meal or if you’d like to cook for this ministry, please contact the church office (901)853-8383

Flowers brighten any day and are a tangible sign of God’s love and ours to home-bound members. To help arrange or deliver Sunday’s flowers from our Sanctuary on Monday morning, contact Judy Caulk at (901)490-0561 or

CUMC Handyman Ministry seeks to be the “skilled hands of Christ” for our congregation and the community. We offer service to our aging population, widowed, special needs, deployed military, and others. We do light house maintenance such as: light/fixture replacement, small wood repairs, plumbing, electrical, painting, yard work, etc. We also have a home ramp building team for those in need of assistance outfitting for the use of wheel chairs and other mobility devices. We do not work on rental properties. Contact the church (901) 853-8383.

This group of energetic and compassionate women knits and crochets prayer shawls, pocket prayer squares, baby items for local hospitals, scarves and hats for kids in need at Collierville Elementary, and chemo patient hats. Meetings include prayer and devotionals. Beginners are always welcome.

Wednesdays at 6:30pm Contact Norene Ritchey, (901) 853-2748.

Thursdays at 10:00am Contact Missy Hansen, (901) 218-5615.

Would you like us to bring you communion to your home? We deliver communion on the first Sunday of every month. If you are home-bound and would like communion please contact Diane Morris (901) 210-1310 or

The Columbarium is a sacred, permanent structure comprised of niches to contain cremated human remains. It provides a final resting place with special meaning for church members and their families for whom involvement in the church was an important part of life on earth and a meaningful end-of-life option.

Who is Eligible? CUMC members and their spouses, their children (including adopted children and step-children), their parents and others with strong ties to CUMC, upon written request to the Columbarium Oversight Committee whom then will make a recommendation to the Administrative Board.

Niche Cost is $3,000 which accommodates two remains and includes inurnment and engraving of granite faceplate.

The Memorial Wall holds plaques that start at $500 and commemorates individuals who have already passed or will have traditional burial in the future. For more information about the Columbarium and Memorial Garden, please see this helpful document: Columbarium & Memorial Garden Guidelines.


Julie Smith, Chairperson (901)486-9160,

Committee Members: Cindy Brewer, Sherry Douglas, Cindy Ford, Bill O’Connor, Julie O’Connor, and Scot Woodard.

If you have questions or need more information on any of these resources, we would love to help.


phone: (901) 853-8383