Many of you are aware that a couple of months ago the Staff Parish Relations Committee recommended and the Administrative Board approved sabbatical leave for the Rev. Dr. Deborah Suddarth. I want to remind everyone that Dr. Deborah’s sabbatical will commence January 1, just after the Advent and Christmas season rush, and run for 3 months ending March 31, 2025.

The United Methodist Book of Discipline paragraph 350 says:

A clergy member may request a formational and spiritual growth leave of up to six months while continuing to hold an appointment in the local church. Such leaves are available to clergy members who have held full-time appointments for at least six years. Such a leave shall be with the approval of the [staff-parish relations committee], the [administrative board], and the district superintendent.

Dr. Deborah has been with our church, CUMC, for 9 ½ years, 6 as Executive Pastor and 3 ½ as Senior Pastor. During her time of service, she has walked alongside us through a tumultuous stretch, including the untimely death of then Senior Pastor David Atkinson, the appointment [promoting her] to be our Senior Pastor, a contentious disaffiliation process, and the exit of many after the failed disaffiliation vote. Deborah then hired and rebuilt the staff team, pulled all of us church members together to revamp and revitalize our missions and ministries, ensuring a vital future for our congregation.

The SPRC wants Dr. Deb to have this personal and family time away for her own formational and spiritual growth. This will allow Dr. Deb to return on April 1 with a renewed spirit and energy to lead us toward a new vision and core values that she, along with the Leadership Council, launched in November. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Bill Daniels
Chairperson, Staff Parish Relations Committee