Ash Wednesday – Town Square

Sanctuary on the Square 104 N. Rowlett Street, Collierville, TN

Come and go service at the Sanctuary on the Town

Ash Wednesday Service – Poplar

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

Come and go service at the Poplar Sanctuary. The first

Discovery Weekend

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

Discovery Weekend is a spiritual formation experience for students. What


Men’s Breakfast

This monthly Men's Breakfast will be a service project. We

Life After Loss Support Group

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

Life After Loss offers a support group for adults 18

Boy Scouts Banquet

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

Join the Cub Scouts as they celebrate Scouting Anniversary Week in

Chamber Music Series

Sanctuary on the Square 104 N. Rowlett Street, Collierville, TN

The Chamber Music Series at the sanctuary on the Collierville


Men + Scout Pancake Breakfast

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

Saturday March 3 on your schedule to help with the

Chamber Music Series

Sanctuary on the Square 104 N. Rowlett Street, Collierville, TN

The Chamber Music Series at the sanctuary on the Collierville
