Our purpose in the Serve area here at Collierville United Methodist Church is “To Make Christ Known” through works of service in our community, nation, and the world. Christ calls us to go into the community as servants with a servant’s heart… and that is our focus.
Team Jesus is our crew that helps fill in needs that come up in our every day lives. These needs can be anything, ie. praying for someone, picking up something, volunteer positions, and so many more. We invite you to join the team by filling out the survey below so we can help you be the hands and feet of Christ in our community and beyond.
- Blood Drive at CUMC – giving the gift of life though blood donation multiple times a year. Announced via newsletter and bulletin prior to drive date.
- Collierville Connected (– a coalition of 9 churches that work together with neighborhoods for the common good of all.
- Neighborhood Resource Centers and St. Mark MBC & CUMC on the square
- Little Free Libraries
- Preschool Initiative
- Handyman Ministry at CUMC – Men and women sharing their construction gifts to help with building ramps or with home projects.
- Knitting for Missions (Hooks and Needles) at CUMC – groups of women knitting prayer shawls for those who need spiritual and physical comfort.
- Manna Bags at CUMC – a packed meal that can be passed along to a hungry soul as you drive down the road. These can be picked up on Sundays or during the week.
- Page Robbins Adult Day Center ( – Their mission is to provide unique and uplifting daytime care for adults with memory loss in a safe environment while empowering and educating their caregivers and the community.
- Princess Project at CUMC – Ladies gather each month to sew dresses for little girls around the world. Every little girl is a princess; the daughter of the King of Kings. Our women have sewn almost 1,000 dresses for little girls.
- Senior Adult Ministries Soup Kitchen at CUMC – seniors making and delivering soup to seniors.
- Resource Redistribution or Gleaning Ministry (RRM) – a group of volunteers daily pick up “left overs” from large warehouses and other food organizations and deliver to multiple ministries around the area from food banks to senior living facilities.
- Project Transformation ( – This ministry harnesses the creative energy and leadership of college age young adults who live in intentional Christian community and lead summer and after school programs for children in various underserved neighborhoods.
- United Methodist Neighborhood Centers ( – This center ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of families who need a helping hand.
- Golden Cross Senior Ministries ( – CUMC receives an offering every year for this organization and many Sunday School classes collect needed items. This ministry provides for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of seniors living in the affordable housing independent living and assisted living communities provided by Wesley Living.
- Hannah’s Hope ( – This ministry is dedicated to the healing of God’s children (pregnant women, families seeking to adopt, and children who need to be adopted) through adoption and pregnancy counseling.
- Kairos Prison Ministries ( – This is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families.
- Lakeshore UM Assembly– ( – This is a camp and retreat center on the shores of the Tennessee River, providing Christian hospitality, rest and reflection for guests of all ages and backgrounds.
- Reelfoot Rural Ministries –(– located in a remote, rural community, continues to meet the needs of low and very low-income and elderly families. Today’s services include: a Day Care Center, Day Care Meals, Senior Programs, Senior Meals, Food Distribution, Home-Delivered Meals, Thrift Store, Burn-Out Emergency Help, After School Program, School Supplies, A Christmas Toy Store, Work Camps, Work Projects, and Imagination Library Sponsorship.
- Western Kentucky UCM Family Services –(
- Mountain T.O.P. – AIM ( – During weekends in the Fall, the AIM program seeks to bring adults (19 and over) from all over the country together to the Cumberland Plateau in Grudy County, Tennessee to meet the great needs of the people here through major home repairs.
- Mountain T.O.P. – Youth ( – This is a weeklong mission during the Summer in which groups of youth and adults from all over the country join together with a goal to meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of Cumberland Mountain families of East Tennessee.
- UMCOR Sager Brown: Regional Distribution facility ( – Search for: Projects/Projects/901515 – provides a hands on mission experience to respond internationally to disasters with relief supplies.
- Costa Rica: Rice & Beans Ministries ( – Delivering food and prayers, visiting children and teachers in the schools, and repairing and building homes, the Rice and Bean ministries attends to the greater needs of families in Poas, Costa Rica.
- Haiti: La Limye Ministries (– We have built a girl’s home that focuses on teaching, equipping, and disciplining the children, women and men of Arcahaie by fulfilling the Great Commission.
- Mexico: Rio Bravo Ministries (– Located in Reynosa, Tamalupas Mexico, directly across the border from McAllen Texas. Rio Bravo Ministries supports Casa Hogar Rio Bravo (Rio Bravo Children’s Home), Colegio Puente de Esperanza (Hope Christian School) and The Blue School.
- United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) (– As the humanitarian relief and development arm of the UMC, UMCOR strengthens and transforms people and communities, through three major areas; humanitarian relief/disaster response, sustainable development, and global health
- United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) ( – UMVIM is a grassroots movement within The United Methodist Church designed to provide an official channel whereby Christians, both lay and clergy, may offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world on short term assignments at their own expense.

Beverly Crossnoe
Administrative Assistant
When you serve at Collierville United Methodist Church, you are a vital part of a team committed to helping you, and others, grow in Christ. We have serving opportunities that fit your gifts and availability.
phone: 901-853-8383